Kamis, 07 Maret 2019

Sharing : Before The Announcement

Diposting oleh LOVARY di 01.22 0 komentar
Shalom... How are you guys? I hope you have a blessed day, enjoying the beautiful presence of the Lord Jesus. Sudah lama saya tidak pernah menulis di blog ini sejak pre klinik di bangku kuliah. Saat ini saya rindu menulis beberapa hal yang saya pikirkan dan rasakan selama menempuh studi di Fakultas Kedokteran and how I struggle to be a medical doctor. Of course, saya merasa diberkati sama Tuhanku yang melakukan hal - hal  luar biasa didalam hidup saya dan tentu juga kalian. Finally, setelah 6 tahun saya bisa menyelesaikan masa pre klinik + coass. Suatu proses yang panjang dan tentunya ada usaha ekstra dan cucuran air mata yang sudah teraduk-aduk didalamnya. Lelah? Frustasi? Depresi? Tentu saja saya pernah merasakan hal itu. Bahkan air mata sering keluar... but, sukacita tentu saja tidak luput karena setiap hal saya lewati dengan mengandalkan Tuhan dan saya mampu melaluinya bukan karena hebat dan kuat saya tapi karena Tuhan yang memampukan. Baru - baru ini saya mengikuti ujian kompetensi profesi dokter (UKMPPD) dilaksanakan bulan Februari ini. Menurut saya ini adalah ujian yang PALING MENDEBARKAN dari semua ujian di pre klinik dan klinik yang dilewati. Ujian ini terdiri dari tes CBT dan OSCE. Ujian ini menentukan selama 6 tahun berkuliah untuk meraih gelar dokter. Dimana bukan cuma harapan saya tapi papa, mama, keluarga, sahabat yang selalu mendukung, mengusahakan, dan mendoakan sejak pertama saya memilih dan berkuliah di tempat ini. Seperti ujian-ujian yang sudah dilewati sebelumnya saya selalu punya prinsip: NO SACRIFICE, NO VICTORY. Kamu tidak bisa jadi pemenang kalau tidak ada pengorbanan dan tentu saja untuk maju ke medan perang harus ada persiapan. So, saya berusaha maksimal dalam persiapan mengikuti ujian ini dan tentunya tetap mengandalkan Tuhan dalam setiap usaha yang saya lakukan. Ujian CBT pun dimulai. Saya sempat menghadapi masalah dimana komputer yang saya gunakan untuk ujian sempat mati dan saat itu waktu pengerjaan tetap berjalan, butuh waktu untuk menyalakannya kembali oleh operator panitia setempat. Dalam hati saya berkata, oh God kenapa hanya komputer saya yang mati? Apakah ini pertanda? Rasa takut, cemas mulai timbul. Karena waktu saya sudah berkurang dan rasa gugup itu membuyarkan pikiran saya. Saat itu saya tetap berdoa dan percaya kalau Tuhan saat ini ada di sisi saya dan pasti Ia akan menuntun saya. Soal mulai saya kerjakan tapi pikiran negatif saya kembali, bahwa lebih baik saya kerjakan dengan cepat daripada saya menyesal 200 nomor soal tidak bisa dikerjakan dengan waktu yang tersisa hanya sedikit. Mulailah saya mengerjakan soal tidak cermat. Saya hanya membaca kata kunci soal agar saya mengerjakannya dengan cepat. Saya pun kaget 200 nomor bisa saya selesaikan bahkan masih ada waktu yang tersisa lebih dari yang saya bayangkan. Saat menutup soal, saya tetap berdoa sama Tuhan dan menyerahkan hasilnya sama Tuhan. Selesai ujian, saya merasa lega dan tersenyum sangat lebar. Setelah ujian saya menyamakan jawaban saya dengan teman - teman dan rata-rata jawaban mereka beda dengan saya dan timbul dalam benak saya apakah karena saya tidak membaca soal dengan cermat karena saya bekerja terburu - buru? Perasaan khawatir kembali timbul. Hingga tiba di rumah saya masih tetap mencari jawaban yang benar dari soal tadi...dan ternyata saya tidak membaca soal dengan baik. Banyak jawaban saya yang salah dan saya menyusunnya di kertas selembar. Saya mulai menangis, sedih, menyalahkan diri sendiri, khawatir. Kegalauan saya  tetap timbul dan saya tetap berdoa sama Tuhan, karena harapan sama Tuhan itu masih ada. Satu hal yang saya percaya bahwa tidak ada yang bisa menggagalkan rancangan Tuhan. Jika Tuhan berkenan saya menjadi dokter bulan Maret nanti saya yakin itu pasti terjadi dan tidak ada satupun bisa menggagalkannya. Satu hal yang harus kalian tahu dan yakini adalah rancangan Tuhan adalah rancangan damai sejahtera berarti apapun yang terjadi tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa itulah terbaik buat kita. Semua sudah saya usahakan dan sisanya biarkan Tuhanku yang dahsyat bekerja secara luaaaarrrr biasa. Pada akhirnya, engkau akan melihat bagaimana Tuhan bekerja didalam kehidupanmu, tidak ada yang cacat semuanya sempurna menurut waktu dan caraNya. Sebenarnya saya tidak perlu khawatir mengapa? Karena kasih dan kemurahan Tuhan dalam kehidupan saya sudah teruji 100% apa yang harus diragukan? Saya sering berkata dalam hati, sudah sering saya lewati ujian - ujian seperti ini bahkan pernah merasa bahwa sepertinya tidak sanggup lagi tapi karena kasih kemurahan Tuhan, saya bisa sampai di titik ini. Banyak mimpi - mimpi aneh yang terjadi sebelum pengumuman itu. Sampai suatu ketika teman saya bercerita kalau dia mimpi saat pengumuman nama saya tidak ada. Mendengar itu, kaki dan tangan saya langsung jadi dingin. Saya langsung ke kamar dan berdoa, karena hanya dekat Tuhan saja hati saya rasa tenang. Didalam perenungan, saya membaca ayat alkitab dari Filipi 4:6-7 : "Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apapun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Allah dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur. ...". Solusi dari rasa takut saya adalah JANGAN KUATIR. Ada satu ayat alkitab yang saya baca diakhir perenungan saya waktu itu diambil dari 1 Yohanes 5:14-15 "Dan inilah keberanian percaya kita kepada-Nya, yaitu bahwa Ia mengabulkan doa kita, jikalau kita meminta sesuatu kepada-Nya menurut kehendak-Nya...."

Jadi, guys apa yang saya simpulkan dari kegalauan saya menunggu pengumuman?
1. Jangan kuatir tapi yang harus kamu lakukan adalah berdoa dan selalu mengucap syukur.
2. Doa yang Tuhan kabulkan adalah jika kita meminta sesuatu yang seturut dengan kehendak-Nya.
3. Percaya rancangan Tuhan adalah rancangan damai sejahtera.
4. Semua indah pada waktu dan caranya Tuhan.

Yes... tersisa hitungan hari, pengumuman yang ditunggu - tunggu akan keluar. Saya tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi saat saya membuka pengumuman itu, tapi satu hal yang saya tahu pasti bahwa hasil yang keluar adalah kehendak Tuhan dan itu adalah yang terbaik. Tidak usah ragu akan masa depan kita guys, Tuhan yang pegang dan rancanganNya damai sejahtera. Ada amen saudara? Blog ini saya tulis sebelum pengumuman keluar..... semoga bisa menguatkan teman - teman semua yang dilanda kagalauan menunggu pengumuman. Share juga ya jika kalian merasa diberkati. Gbu.

Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014


Diposting oleh LOVARY di 20.22 0 komentar
Hi bloggers....
It's been awhile since the last I've posted something in this blog.
I was busy with my academic and all my activities as a medical student and an organizer in some extracurriculars *ouupss.
It's okay but now,,, I'm back with a fresh story. hehehe.

You know  I love singing !! When I was a child, I wanna be a professional singer because it's my talent. Time goes so fast, I thought it was better to be a doctor. So that, singing is only my hobby now. I usually record my voice and then upload it on my Soundcloud. I'm so happy because my friends appreciate it.

You guys can play my tracks on SOUNDCLOUD. Please open this link: https://soundcloud.com/novary-djipung and enjoy my tracks. Don't forget to follow me. XOXO

These are my favorite tracks :

Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

I Got the Pink Converse Sneakers

Diposting oleh LOVARY di 04.06 0 komentar

Converse is one of my favorite sneakers brand.  Of course, I'm interested for the pink color. Everyone loves Converse sneakers. They're comfortable, good-looking, trendy and most of them are really cute. I prefer wear it on campus. I've spent Rp.600.000 for bought it at the converse store. I think no low price for best quality...hehehe.... How about you? Do u like converse sneakers???

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

I'm on Youtube

Diposting oleh LOVARY di 09.00 0 komentar

Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

You Are a Smoker !!!

Diposting oleh LOVARY di 10.53 0 komentar
First, I'm so sorry for all smokers who read this.
I understand your choice to become smokers.
I think, all of you know the dangers of smoking.... but.....
It's your habit and you're free to make choices. SMOKING or NOT !!!

Now, I just wanna tell you my story about someone who started I like but he doesn't know about my feelings.
He's handsome, tall, and smart...
Day by day I grew to love him...
.....but someday....
He uploaded a photo on instagram... and guess, what did I see??
I was shocked.... because in the picture,  I saw some cigarettes on his table.
Hhhuhh..... how dissapointed I am !!!!

Maybe...there're many women who love smokers but not I'm.
Now, I must forget him and get rid of this feelings.
I don't hate smokers guys.
My dad and my bro aren't smokers.
So, I just wanna find a man who doesn't smoke.
Yeah... that's all I want.

Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013


Diposting oleh LOVARY di 23.32 1 komentar
I dedicate this to all the people who always love me, support me, and care to me. 
I love You because You are LOVARY .... 

Proudly Present :

Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Nike Shoes

Diposting oleh LOVARY di 18.42 0 komentar
Hi guys... I'm a sneakers lover. Last night I bought these shoes in the sport station... wearing these shoes can make your style look cool.

Jumat, 26 April 2013

My Pink Vaio

Diposting oleh LOVARY di 20.45 0 komentar

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Top 6 Saddest Korean Dramas I've Ever Watched

Diposting oleh LOVARY di 20.10 0 komentar
안녕하세요. (Annyeong haseyo) K-drama lovers in Indonesia !! What is your favorite type of korean drama? I'm sure most of you like romantic drama ^_^ so do i, but what about romantic drama with sad ending... ?? hmm... I think you will cry and spend a lot of tissue beside you like me..haahaha. Okay these are Top 6 Saddest Korean Dramas for me that I've ever watched and I recommend you to watch these dramas.


Broadcast period : 2000-Sep-18 to 2000-Nov-07
Episodes : 16
Main Cast : Song Seung-heon as Yoon Joon-suh
Song Hye-kyo as Yoon/Choi Eun-suh
Won Bin as Han Tae-seok

Yoon Joon-suh and Yoon Eun-suh grew up as siblings but Eun-suh was in fact from a different family as there was a mixed up at the hospital where she was borned.The switch came to light when Eun-suh was involved in a car accident and it was discovered that her blood type was different from her parents. Eun-suh's life took a complete turn when the 2 girls were returned to their respective families. Soon after, the Yoon family left for the States and Eun-suh was left living in sordid condition with her real family in Korea. Years after, Joon-suh returned to Korea and by chance the two former siblings were reunited.
Eun-suh and Joon-suh pretend to have a sibling relationship in front of the others, but they meet each other secretly and fall deeply in love, though she always refers to him as "older brother." Eun-suh has leukemia (the same fatal condition that killed her biological father). Joon-suh proposes to Eun-suh and they get married. Eun-suh dies as Joon-suh carries her around the beach where they spent her birthday as teenagers. Before Eun-suh dies, she tells Joon-suh to move on and continue living. However, Joon-suh, dazed and grief-stricken by the death of his love, is struck by a truck in the same place as Eun-suh's accident and perishes.


Broadcast period: 2002-Jan-14 to 2002-Mar-19

Episodes : 20
Main Cast:
Bae Yong-joon as Kang Joon-sang / Lee Min-hyeong
Choi Ji-woo as Jeong Yoo-jin
Park Yong-ha as Kim Sang-hyeok
Joon-sang moves to a new high school in search for his biological father. Yu-jin and Sang-hyuk are close childhood friends, although Sang-hyuk wants to be more than a friend, Yu-jin sees him as a brother. On a trip together with other high school mates, Oh Chelin , Jin-suk and Yong-kuk , Yu-jin is saved after an accident by Joon-sang. They become close and she opens up his cold heart. However, circumstances and fate dictate that their love will never be. He abruptly disappears from their lives.
Ten years later, the old High School buddies gather to celebrate Yu-jin and Sang-hyuk's soon-to-be wedding. Yu-jin, who was deeply in love with Joon-sang, still has a fire in her heart for him. But at the party, Oh Chelin's new boyfriend arrives, who appears the same as Joon-sang.


Broadcast period: 2003-Dec-03 to 2004-Feb-05
Episodes: 20
Main Cast :
Kwon Sang Woo as Cha Song-ju
Choi Ji Woo as Han Jung-suh / Kim Ji-su
Kim Tae Hee as Han Yu-ri
Shin Hyun Joon as Han Tae-hwa

Jung-suh and Song-joo grew up together. They were always there for each other. Tragedy begins when Song Joo begins his studies overseas without Jung-suh. Jung-suh's father remarries Tae Mira. Mira takes in her two children from a previous marriage, Tae-hwa and Yuri. Yuri is envious of the life that Jung-suh leads and is determined to take everything away from her, including Song-joo. Tae-hwa begins to develop feelings for his stepsister, however Jung-suh still loves Song-joo. Five years later, tragedy occurs when Jung-suh gets into a car accident causing her to lose her memory. Together with Tae-hwa, they start anew. Song-joo is led to believe that she is dead. However, when they meet again one day, he is determined to remind her of the love they had for one another. When fate finally seemed to be on their side, Jung-suh is diagnosed with eye cancer. Song-joo marries Jung-suh, who is now blind, with the blessing of his mother and her father and the ending of this story Jung-suh dies a few days later because her eye cancer.


Broadcast period: 2005-Jan-05 to 2005-Mar-17

Episodes: 20
Main Cast : 
Kwon Sang Woo as Suh Joon Young / Choi Joon Kyu
Kim Hee Sun as Park Hae In
Yun Jung Hoon as Lee Gun Woo
Sad Sonata is a love story about two men and one woman. The young Joon-young (Kwon Sang Woo), who was raised by his mother who sold liquor to American soldiers, met the blind Hae-in (Kim Hee Sun) and they became childhood sweethearts. Then, Hae-in immigrated to the U.S. following her aunt and her uncle[American soldier that married her aunt]. There she met Gun-woo (Yeon Jung Hoon), who was Joon-young's best friend and son of a very rich man. After she received a letter from Hwa-jung saying that Joon-young is dead, she accepted Gun-woo's love. After an operation, Hae-in was able to see again . The story picks up again when composer Joon-young, singer Hae-In, and music producer Gun-woo all meet again. The ending of this story is Joon-young died from being shot by Gun-woo's enemy.

Broadcast period: 2006-Feb-08 to 2006-Mar-09
Episodes: 10
Main Cast :
Lee Wan as Yoon Suh 
Park Shin Hye as Hana 
Asami Reina as Maya 
Uchida Asahi as Fujiwara Ryu 

Hana is a bright young girl who lost her father at a young age. When her mother returns to Japan, she comes with her new Korean husband and his son Yunsuh. Yunsuh's mother died during his 10th birthday and after her death, he becomes autistic. While Hana is fond of her new step-brother, he wants nothing to do with her. When their parents leave on their honeymoon, Hana's mother leaves the children with her deceased husband's sister who will manage their inn during the trip. While they are gone, the aunt and her daughter Maya abuse Hana and make plans to sell the inn in order to pay for gambling debts and college. Despite all of this, Hana finds comfort in her brother who begins to open up to her and eventually speaks after his 20th Birthday and the day his mother passed away. Yunsuh's mother died on the same day as he was turning 10, 10 years ago. As they start to have feelings for one another, Hana is afraid to love him. The ending of this story: Hana and Yunsuh were hit by a car. This accident led to hana critical and should get donor heart. Finally junsuh donate his heart to hana. When in conscious, Hana feel sad knowing junsuh had died.

#6 49 DAYS

Broadcast period: 2011-Mar-16 to 2011-May-19
Episodes: 20
Lee Yo Won as Song Yi Kyung
Nam Gyu Ri as Shin Ji Hyun
Kim Yoo Bin as young Ji Hyun
Jo Hyun Jae as Han Kang
Bae Soo Bin as Kang Min Ho
Jung Il Woo as Scheduler / Song Yi Soo
Seo Ji Hye as Shin In Jung

Shin Ji Hyun was enjoying absolute bliss as she was about to marry her fiancé, Kang Min Ho, but her perfect life is shattered when she gets into a car accident that leaves her in a coma. She is given a second chance at life by a reaper, but it comes with a condition: she has to find three people outside of her family who would cry genuine tears for her. In order to do this, she borrows the body of Yi Kyung, a part-time employee at a convenience store for 49 days. 

Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Have Breakfast with Hello Kitty

Diposting oleh LOVARY di 07.41 0 komentar
Hi  Hello Kitty Lovers :)
I'm sure the most of you have breakfast in the morning....
Can you imagine if your breakfast is decorated with Hello Kitty?? 
Hahah... I think it won't be boring but are you willing to eat? 
hmmm,,,I'm not sure, let's see. Just look at the pictures !! 

Sharing : Before The Announcement


Shalom... How are you guys? I hope you have a blessed day, enjoying the beautiful presence of the Lord Jesus. Sudah lama saya tidak pernah menulis di blog ini sejak pre klinik di bangku kuliah. Saat ini saya rindu menulis beberapa hal yang saya pikirkan dan rasakan selama menempuh studi di Fakultas Kedokteran and how I struggle to be a medical doctor. Of course, saya merasa diberkati sama Tuhanku yang melakukan hal - hal  luar biasa didalam hidup saya dan tentu juga kalian. Finally, setelah 6 tahun saya bisa menyelesaikan masa pre klinik + coass. Suatu proses yang panjang dan tentunya ada usaha ekstra dan cucuran air mata yang sudah teraduk-aduk didalamnya. Lelah? Frustasi? Depresi? Tentu saja saya pernah merasakan hal itu. Bahkan air mata sering keluar... but, sukacita tentu saja tidak luput karena setiap hal saya lewati dengan mengandalkan Tuhan dan saya mampu melaluinya bukan karena hebat dan kuat saya tapi karena Tuhan yang memampukan. Baru - baru ini saya mengikuti ujian kompetensi profesi dokter (UKMPPD) dilaksanakan bulan Februari ini. Menurut saya ini adalah ujian yang PALING MENDEBARKAN dari semua ujian di pre klinik dan klinik yang dilewati. Ujian ini terdiri dari tes CBT dan OSCE. Ujian ini menentukan selama 6 tahun berkuliah untuk meraih gelar dokter. Dimana bukan cuma harapan saya tapi papa, mama, keluarga, sahabat yang selalu mendukung, mengusahakan, dan mendoakan sejak pertama saya memilih dan berkuliah di tempat ini. Seperti ujian-ujian yang sudah dilewati sebelumnya saya selalu punya prinsip: NO SACRIFICE, NO VICTORY. Kamu tidak bisa jadi pemenang kalau tidak ada pengorbanan dan tentu saja untuk maju ke medan perang harus ada persiapan. So, saya berusaha maksimal dalam persiapan mengikuti ujian ini dan tentunya tetap mengandalkan Tuhan dalam setiap usaha yang saya lakukan. Ujian CBT pun dimulai. Saya sempat menghadapi masalah dimana komputer yang saya gunakan untuk ujian sempat mati dan saat itu waktu pengerjaan tetap berjalan, butuh waktu untuk menyalakannya kembali oleh operator panitia setempat. Dalam hati saya berkata, oh God kenapa hanya komputer saya yang mati? Apakah ini pertanda? Rasa takut, cemas mulai timbul. Karena waktu saya sudah berkurang dan rasa gugup itu membuyarkan pikiran saya. Saat itu saya tetap berdoa dan percaya kalau Tuhan saat ini ada di sisi saya dan pasti Ia akan menuntun saya. Soal mulai saya kerjakan tapi pikiran negatif saya kembali, bahwa lebih baik saya kerjakan dengan cepat daripada saya menyesal 200 nomor soal tidak bisa dikerjakan dengan waktu yang tersisa hanya sedikit. Mulailah saya mengerjakan soal tidak cermat. Saya hanya membaca kata kunci soal agar saya mengerjakannya dengan cepat. Saya pun kaget 200 nomor bisa saya selesaikan bahkan masih ada waktu yang tersisa lebih dari yang saya bayangkan. Saat menutup soal, saya tetap berdoa sama Tuhan dan menyerahkan hasilnya sama Tuhan. Selesai ujian, saya merasa lega dan tersenyum sangat lebar. Setelah ujian saya menyamakan jawaban saya dengan teman - teman dan rata-rata jawaban mereka beda dengan saya dan timbul dalam benak saya apakah karena saya tidak membaca soal dengan cermat karena saya bekerja terburu - buru? Perasaan khawatir kembali timbul. Hingga tiba di rumah saya masih tetap mencari jawaban yang benar dari soal tadi...dan ternyata saya tidak membaca soal dengan baik. Banyak jawaban saya yang salah dan saya menyusunnya di kertas selembar. Saya mulai menangis, sedih, menyalahkan diri sendiri, khawatir. Kegalauan saya  tetap timbul dan saya tetap berdoa sama Tuhan, karena harapan sama Tuhan itu masih ada. Satu hal yang saya percaya bahwa tidak ada yang bisa menggagalkan rancangan Tuhan. Jika Tuhan berkenan saya menjadi dokter bulan Maret nanti saya yakin itu pasti terjadi dan tidak ada satupun bisa menggagalkannya. Satu hal yang harus kalian tahu dan yakini adalah rancangan Tuhan adalah rancangan damai sejahtera berarti apapun yang terjadi tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa itulah terbaik buat kita. Semua sudah saya usahakan dan sisanya biarkan Tuhanku yang dahsyat bekerja secara luaaaarrrr biasa. Pada akhirnya, engkau akan melihat bagaimana Tuhan bekerja didalam kehidupanmu, tidak ada yang cacat semuanya sempurna menurut waktu dan caraNya. Sebenarnya saya tidak perlu khawatir mengapa? Karena kasih dan kemurahan Tuhan dalam kehidupan saya sudah teruji 100% apa yang harus diragukan? Saya sering berkata dalam hati, sudah sering saya lewati ujian - ujian seperti ini bahkan pernah merasa bahwa sepertinya tidak sanggup lagi tapi karena kasih kemurahan Tuhan, saya bisa sampai di titik ini. Banyak mimpi - mimpi aneh yang terjadi sebelum pengumuman itu. Sampai suatu ketika teman saya bercerita kalau dia mimpi saat pengumuman nama saya tidak ada. Mendengar itu, kaki dan tangan saya langsung jadi dingin. Saya langsung ke kamar dan berdoa, karena hanya dekat Tuhan saja hati saya rasa tenang. Didalam perenungan, saya membaca ayat alkitab dari Filipi 4:6-7 : "Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apapun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Allah dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur. ...". Solusi dari rasa takut saya adalah JANGAN KUATIR. Ada satu ayat alkitab yang saya baca diakhir perenungan saya waktu itu diambil dari 1 Yohanes 5:14-15 "Dan inilah keberanian percaya kita kepada-Nya, yaitu bahwa Ia mengabulkan doa kita, jikalau kita meminta sesuatu kepada-Nya menurut kehendak-Nya...."

Jadi, guys apa yang saya simpulkan dari kegalauan saya menunggu pengumuman?
1. Jangan kuatir tapi yang harus kamu lakukan adalah berdoa dan selalu mengucap syukur.
2. Doa yang Tuhan kabulkan adalah jika kita meminta sesuatu yang seturut dengan kehendak-Nya.
3. Percaya rancangan Tuhan adalah rancangan damai sejahtera.
4. Semua indah pada waktu dan caranya Tuhan.

Yes... tersisa hitungan hari, pengumuman yang ditunggu - tunggu akan keluar. Saya tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi saat saya membuka pengumuman itu, tapi satu hal yang saya tahu pasti bahwa hasil yang keluar adalah kehendak Tuhan dan itu adalah yang terbaik. Tidak usah ragu akan masa depan kita guys, Tuhan yang pegang dan rancanganNya damai sejahtera. Ada amen saudara? Blog ini saya tulis sebelum pengumuman keluar..... semoga bisa menguatkan teman - teman semua yang dilanda kagalauan menunggu pengumuman. Share juga ya jika kalian merasa diberkati. Gbu.



Hi bloggers....
It's been awhile since the last I've posted something in this blog.
I was busy with my academic and all my activities as a medical student and an organizer in some extracurriculars *ouupss.
It's okay but now,,, I'm back with a fresh story. hehehe.

You know  I love singing !! When I was a child, I wanna be a professional singer because it's my talent. Time goes so fast, I thought it was better to be a doctor. So that, singing is only my hobby now. I usually record my voice and then upload it on my Soundcloud. I'm so happy because my friends appreciate it.

You guys can play my tracks on SOUNDCLOUD. Please open this link: https://soundcloud.com/novary-djipung and enjoy my tracks. Don't forget to follow me. XOXO

These are my favorite tracks :

I Got the Pink Converse Sneakers


Converse is one of my favorite sneakers brand.  Of course, I'm interested for the pink color. Everyone loves Converse sneakers. They're comfortable, good-looking, trendy and most of them are really cute. I prefer wear it on campus. I've spent Rp.600.000 for bought it at the converse store. I think no low price for best quality...hehehe.... How about you? Do u like converse sneakers???

I'm on Youtube


You Are a Smoker !!!


First, I'm so sorry for all smokers who read this.
I understand your choice to become smokers.
I think, all of you know the dangers of smoking.... but.....
It's your habit and you're free to make choices. SMOKING or NOT !!!

Now, I just wanna tell you my story about someone who started I like but he doesn't know about my feelings.
He's handsome, tall, and smart...
Day by day I grew to love him...
.....but someday....
He uploaded a photo on instagram... and guess, what did I see??
I was shocked.... because in the picture,  I saw some cigarettes on his table.
Hhhuhh..... how dissapointed I am !!!!

Maybe...there're many women who love smokers but not I'm.
Now, I must forget him and get rid of this feelings.
I don't hate smokers guys.
My dad and my bro aren't smokers.
So, I just wanna find a man who doesn't smoke.
Yeah... that's all I want.



I dedicate this to all the people who always love me, support me, and care to me. 
I love You because You are LOVARY .... 

Proudly Present :

Nike Shoes


Hi guys... I'm a sneakers lover. Last night I bought these shoes in the sport station... wearing these shoes can make your style look cool.

My Pink Vaio


Top 6 Saddest Korean Dramas I've Ever Watched


안녕하세요. (Annyeong haseyo) K-drama lovers in Indonesia !! What is your favorite type of korean drama? I'm sure most of you like romantic drama ^_^ so do i, but what about romantic drama with sad ending... ?? hmm... I think you will cry and spend a lot of tissue beside you like me..haahaha. Okay these are Top 6 Saddest Korean Dramas for me that I've ever watched and I recommend you to watch these dramas.


Broadcast period : 2000-Sep-18 to 2000-Nov-07
Episodes : 16
Main Cast : Song Seung-heon as Yoon Joon-suh
Song Hye-kyo as Yoon/Choi Eun-suh
Won Bin as Han Tae-seok

Yoon Joon-suh and Yoon Eun-suh grew up as siblings but Eun-suh was in fact from a different family as there was a mixed up at the hospital where she was borned.The switch came to light when Eun-suh was involved in a car accident and it was discovered that her blood type was different from her parents. Eun-suh's life took a complete turn when the 2 girls were returned to their respective families. Soon after, the Yoon family left for the States and Eun-suh was left living in sordid condition with her real family in Korea. Years after, Joon-suh returned to Korea and by chance the two former siblings were reunited.
Eun-suh and Joon-suh pretend to have a sibling relationship in front of the others, but they meet each other secretly and fall deeply in love, though she always refers to him as "older brother." Eun-suh has leukemia (the same fatal condition that killed her biological father). Joon-suh proposes to Eun-suh and they get married. Eun-suh dies as Joon-suh carries her around the beach where they spent her birthday as teenagers. Before Eun-suh dies, she tells Joon-suh to move on and continue living. However, Joon-suh, dazed and grief-stricken by the death of his love, is struck by a truck in the same place as Eun-suh's accident and perishes.


Broadcast period: 2002-Jan-14 to 2002-Mar-19

Episodes : 20
Main Cast:
Bae Yong-joon as Kang Joon-sang / Lee Min-hyeong
Choi Ji-woo as Jeong Yoo-jin
Park Yong-ha as Kim Sang-hyeok
Joon-sang moves to a new high school in search for his biological father. Yu-jin and Sang-hyuk are close childhood friends, although Sang-hyuk wants to be more than a friend, Yu-jin sees him as a brother. On a trip together with other high school mates, Oh Chelin , Jin-suk and Yong-kuk , Yu-jin is saved after an accident by Joon-sang. They become close and she opens up his cold heart. However, circumstances and fate dictate that their love will never be. He abruptly disappears from their lives.
Ten years later, the old High School buddies gather to celebrate Yu-jin and Sang-hyuk's soon-to-be wedding. Yu-jin, who was deeply in love with Joon-sang, still has a fire in her heart for him. But at the party, Oh Chelin's new boyfriend arrives, who appears the same as Joon-sang.


Broadcast period: 2003-Dec-03 to 2004-Feb-05
Episodes: 20
Main Cast :
Kwon Sang Woo as Cha Song-ju
Choi Ji Woo as Han Jung-suh / Kim Ji-su
Kim Tae Hee as Han Yu-ri
Shin Hyun Joon as Han Tae-hwa

Jung-suh and Song-joo grew up together. They were always there for each other. Tragedy begins when Song Joo begins his studies overseas without Jung-suh. Jung-suh's father remarries Tae Mira. Mira takes in her two children from a previous marriage, Tae-hwa and Yuri. Yuri is envious of the life that Jung-suh leads and is determined to take everything away from her, including Song-joo. Tae-hwa begins to develop feelings for his stepsister, however Jung-suh still loves Song-joo. Five years later, tragedy occurs when Jung-suh gets into a car accident causing her to lose her memory. Together with Tae-hwa, they start anew. Song-joo is led to believe that she is dead. However, when they meet again one day, he is determined to remind her of the love they had for one another. When fate finally seemed to be on their side, Jung-suh is diagnosed with eye cancer. Song-joo marries Jung-suh, who is now blind, with the blessing of his mother and her father and the ending of this story Jung-suh dies a few days later because her eye cancer.


Broadcast period: 2005-Jan-05 to 2005-Mar-17

Episodes: 20
Main Cast : 
Kwon Sang Woo as Suh Joon Young / Choi Joon Kyu
Kim Hee Sun as Park Hae In
Yun Jung Hoon as Lee Gun Woo
Sad Sonata is a love story about two men and one woman. The young Joon-young (Kwon Sang Woo), who was raised by his mother who sold liquor to American soldiers, met the blind Hae-in (Kim Hee Sun) and they became childhood sweethearts. Then, Hae-in immigrated to the U.S. following her aunt and her uncle[American soldier that married her aunt]. There she met Gun-woo (Yeon Jung Hoon), who was Joon-young's best friend and son of a very rich man. After she received a letter from Hwa-jung saying that Joon-young is dead, she accepted Gun-woo's love. After an operation, Hae-in was able to see again . The story picks up again when composer Joon-young, singer Hae-In, and music producer Gun-woo all meet again. The ending of this story is Joon-young died from being shot by Gun-woo's enemy.

Broadcast period: 2006-Feb-08 to 2006-Mar-09
Episodes: 10
Main Cast :
Lee Wan as Yoon Suh 
Park Shin Hye as Hana 
Asami Reina as Maya 
Uchida Asahi as Fujiwara Ryu 

Hana is a bright young girl who lost her father at a young age. When her mother returns to Japan, she comes with her new Korean husband and his son Yunsuh. Yunsuh's mother died during his 10th birthday and after her death, he becomes autistic. While Hana is fond of her new step-brother, he wants nothing to do with her. When their parents leave on their honeymoon, Hana's mother leaves the children with her deceased husband's sister who will manage their inn during the trip. While they are gone, the aunt and her daughter Maya abuse Hana and make plans to sell the inn in order to pay for gambling debts and college. Despite all of this, Hana finds comfort in her brother who begins to open up to her and eventually speaks after his 20th Birthday and the day his mother passed away. Yunsuh's mother died on the same day as he was turning 10, 10 years ago. As they start to have feelings for one another, Hana is afraid to love him. The ending of this story: Hana and Yunsuh were hit by a car. This accident led to hana critical and should get donor heart. Finally junsuh donate his heart to hana. When in conscious, Hana feel sad knowing junsuh had died.

#6 49 DAYS

Broadcast period: 2011-Mar-16 to 2011-May-19
Episodes: 20
Lee Yo Won as Song Yi Kyung
Nam Gyu Ri as Shin Ji Hyun
Kim Yoo Bin as young Ji Hyun
Jo Hyun Jae as Han Kang
Bae Soo Bin as Kang Min Ho
Jung Il Woo as Scheduler / Song Yi Soo
Seo Ji Hye as Shin In Jung

Shin Ji Hyun was enjoying absolute bliss as she was about to marry her fiancé, Kang Min Ho, but her perfect life is shattered when she gets into a car accident that leaves her in a coma. She is given a second chance at life by a reaper, but it comes with a condition: she has to find three people outside of her family who would cry genuine tears for her. In order to do this, she borrows the body of Yi Kyung, a part-time employee at a convenience store for 49 days. 

Have Breakfast with Hello Kitty


Hi  Hello Kitty Lovers :)
I'm sure the most of you have breakfast in the morning....
Can you imagine if your breakfast is decorated with Hello Kitty?? 
Hahah... I think it won't be boring but are you willing to eat? 
hmmm,,,I'm not sure, let's see. Just look at the pictures !! 


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